- Curriculum: Art
- Age/Grade: Elementary 3 | Middle School | Above 14
- Subject: Drawing
- Materials: Pencils | Oil Pastels
- Institution: Collegio Villoresi San Giuseppe di Monza
- Location: Monza Brianza Italy
- Duration: 1 - 2 Classes
The students of the middle school art lab worked on their own individual art works, inspired by Keith Haring's subway drawings.
To take inspiration from Keith Haring and create their own mini Haring inspired works
Print out images of Keith Haring's most famous images and share them with the students.
Black card and white pastel pencils.
After watching the documentary we discussed Haring and together looked at home images of Harings work. Then on white paper we practiced some drawings, inspired by his style until finally the students all transferred their Haring design onto black card using white pastel.
This week, we will create a life sized (A2-1) subway drawing together, depicting images and messages which are important to them, in the style of Keith Haring. The following week, we plan to create our own 'pop-shop' t-shirts, where we will paint Haring inspired images on t-shirts.