Haring Mobiles



This lesson was sent to us by a school in New Jersey whose students designed and constructed their own Haring-inspired hanging mobiles. A great extension to lessons involving the figure and movement.


To teach students about Keith Haring and his work.

To help students understand balance.

To decorate the room.


Lightweight wire
Styrofoam balls (you don't need this, you can just use all wire instead)


After having lots of fun on haringkids.com, we came up with some great ideas.

First our class began with "Haring Ball". Each classmate drew a Keith Haring image and an adult wired it together and stuck them into a styrofoam ball.

Next, we created the "Keith Mobile", where each student got to make their own. The figures came from students' imaginations, and the bases featured motivational phrases such as, "Teamwork" and "Set Goals".