Materials | Markers

Clay Alphabet Sculpture Scenes

Clay Alphabet Sculpture Scenes

A fun and informative introduction to the art of Keith Haring and an opportunity for students to sculpt their own clay letters!

Haring In Motion Magnets

Students paint a Haring portrait in motion and then transfer the image onto a shrink film magnet.

Symbols & Signs

An activity provided by the Art Gallery of Ontario, this lesson seeks to help children identify and express their emotions through lines and symbols, just as Keith Haring did.

Line & Expression – 2D

An activity provided by the Art Gallery of Ontario designed to teach children about Keith Haring's art, specifically his art-making methods and his use of line and shape to create a symbolic language.

Line & Expression – 3D

An activity provided by the Art Gallery of Ontario designed to help students understand meanings and representations of symbols and to synthesize 2-dimensional imagery into 3-dimensional forms

Haring Inspired Drawing & Sculpture

Haring Inspired Drawing & Sculpture

Boys from Children's Village learn about Keith Haring's work, and make their own drawings and sculptures inspired by his style and sensibility.

Children Respond to Haring’s Work

Using the Keith Haring exhibition as a starting point in their Education and Outreach programming, City Gallery helped children be inspired by and respond to Haring's work.

Designing Objects

Using a project framework similar to that of Keith Haring's, children can explore the possibilities of designing a personally customized watch, bicycle, and car, using the templates provided.

The Story of Red and Blue – Art

The Story of Red and Blue - Art

This spontaneous explorative project allows students of all ages to open up and make free associations with positive results.

Tabletop Graffiti Mural

Tabletop Graffiti Mural

When an art teacher from a YMCA in Florida decided to clean up her shabby tables and teach her students about graffiti art, she decided to combine the projects and revive the tables with art! A strong emphasis on collaboration and cooperation led to a classroom full of personalized furniture.

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