- Curriculum: Art | Social Studies | Dance & Music
- Age/Grade: Elementary 3 | Middle School | Above 14
- Subject: Drawing | Painting | Sculpture
- Materials: Mixed Media | Pencils | Paint
- Institution: YMCA
- Location: Sarasota, Florida
- Duration: 3 - 4 Classes
This fun lesson begins with drawing the figure Haring-style. Experimenting with different poses, students design and create large-size cut-out constructions.
To create large-scale 3-dimensional forms out of a 2-dimensional material.
To help the students develop an awareness of Keith Haring's work.
341A | Drawing The Line - A Portrait of Keith Haring Video
142a | Whitney Exhibition Catalog | Paperback
554a | Keith Haring, Authorized Biography | Paperback
Corrugated cardboard or poster board
Scissors (exacto knife for teacher)
My enthusiasm began with the Keith Haring video "Drawing the Line." Since I had been to college in the late 60's I had never heard of any of these artists while in art school, and the video gave me much needed background information for this artist who decorated subway stations with his simplified icon-like drawings that feature his trademark "radiant baby" and "barking dog." I also saw a wonderful Keith Haring exhibit at the Whitney Museum in New York City. That exhibit prompted me to read a biography of Keith Haring and also his diaries.
These Keith Haring cardboard sculpture pictures are from an art camp project a few years ago. The students drew figures in various positions on lightweight poster board. After cutting them out they experimented with different poses to fit them together and stapled or taped them into place on a base.
Have the students experiment with various installations and presentation options. Discuss with them how each affects the work.
This project was first published in School Arts Magazine